Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Tourism Up.....Productivity DOWN

I have really been enjoying my holiday season. It is so great to have my parents here. I think this knitt
ing thing could be getting rediculous. I can't stop! It's a great way to pass time on the train, and at rehearsals, but It is threatening to consume me. I am in the process of making my dad a scarf. I was so relieved when he admitted to me that although the red and blue chenile scarf was lovely and well-made, that he would rather have something more conservative. I found some great cashmereno yarn that I am in the process of knitting up as we speak. I should be done by the new year. I want to pick up the stitches on the side and knit a border so it will curl less, but I'm not sure how to do this yet.

In other news. Rehearsals are going great. We are in that newly off-book stage where nobody's sure what comes next, and the pacing goes to hell, but I'm starting to see it come together. When we come back from New Years we start doing full runs of the show. I can't wait!

The tourists are in Manhattan in full force. Eighth avenue is slower than (pardon the phrase) Christmas, and although I'm glad that people enjoy this great city and bring us all of the commerce, I'm ready for everyone to go home. I am getting really tired of tripping over people who can't figure out which way is uptown and which way is down. I hate weaving through mobs who don't understand that if there's no traffic coming you ignore the little red hand. Times Square sucks anyway, but I have to get off of the subway there, and there are sooooo many people right now it's sickening. I will not be enduring The New Year's Eve Madness. I will be safe at home with puppies, parents, and knitting enjoying a tourist free night. That's my rant.

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