Monday, December 15, 2003

I'm Back!!!

I have been out of the habit of posting for almost a week now. I'm so sorry.

It snowed this morning. I woke up to find a blizzard surrounding my world with white love. The dogs and I went to play for a minute, but they got cold and we came in for treats and coffee. I settled in to a quiet morning of knitting and coffee. I also wrote a letter of reccomendation for my good friend Maryanne. I was quite worried about saying the right things, but it is so easy to write about the merrits of such a talented human being. The knitting is something I was able to take up this week with the aid of a few books. I love it. It may be a passing craze, but right now, my head is full of scarfs, hats, and eventual sweaters. So my Sunday started off absolutely lovely. Then the snow stopped. There were about six inches on the ground.

After about 20 minutes of clear skies and glistening white wonderland. The temperature broke freezing, and it began to rain. It began to pour. The heavens tore open and dumped freezing sheets of water. All of that beautiful snow became deep layers of mucky slush. This was about the time I had to leave for Manhattan. All of the Mass Transit System relies on so much walking. I usually see this as a good thing. I arrived at rehearsal with soggy pants, wet socks, drippy boots, and a pile of wet winter gear. Rehearsal was good, but the trip back was even wetter and colder than the trip there. By the time I got home, my soul felt cold and soggy.

The good news is I was home in time to watch Angels in America: Part II on HBO West. I'm so impressed with Mike Nichols vision for this project. Tony Kushner is a genius. Meryl Streep is versatil and amazing. I think Patrick Wilson (Joe) is amazing and beautiful at that, and Jeffrey Wright blows my mind. Basically I loved everything about it. What a heartbreaking, beautiful story!!!!

I'm starting to feel panicky about the impending Holiday, but I'm looking forward to it too. I hope we get more snow, and less rain.

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