Monday, January 19, 2004

Cheeseburger Side of Karma

So lately I've noticed that I tend to seek the same kind of immediacy I have been trained to expect from not only fast food and high speed internet access, but from karmic justice. I find myself thinking things like: "I let those people in on the way over, maybe I'll get a good parking spot." or "Why is this happening?. . .I've been nice to everyone since lunch." I caught myself doing it yesterday and had a good laugh at my own expence. I think that karma is probably more relative. People that lead good lives, who make the effort all the time probably do get rewarded. I suppose if you are really understanding karma, then the bad stuff is part of it too. One who is really respecting the universe would look at the misfortunes as blessings because they bring lessons with them. Look at that! I'm still not as evolved as I'd like to think I am. OH well! Can I get a large humility with that?

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